Metatarsal Gout

Arizona Orthopedic Surgery Solutions for Metatarsal Gout

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    What is Metatarsal Gout

    A ganglion cyst, also known as a bible cyst, is noncancerous and usually forms on the tendons of the wrist or joints in the hand, however, they can appear on the feet and in the ankles. The sac of fluid appears circular and relatively small. There normally isn’t any pain as long as the cyst doesn’t pinch a nerve, which will inhibit the motion of the joint or tendon. Most people are tempted to pop their ganglion cyst, but that shouldn’t be your first route. Rather, it is better to rest the foot, ankle, hand, or wrist with the cyst, as motion only encourages the growth of the cyst. The best thing to do is gently massage the cyst two to three times per day to help push fluid inside the cyst sac out. Applying warm pressure will help more blood flow to the cyst and hopefully, reduce the fluid in the sac and ideally reduce the swelling. Warmth does not stall or stop cyst growth, unfortunately. Consultation may be necessary to determine if your cyst needs to be drained or surgically removed.

    Metatarsal Gout Diagnosis

    For gout to be diagnosed, uric acid crystals must be present in the joint’s synovial fluid, or a tophaceous deposit must be apparent. A needle is used to draw liquid out of the inflamed joint and carefully analyzed beneath a polarized light to confirm either is present. The polarized light makes it possible to determine if there are uric acid crystals within the synovial fluid. A sudden gout attack and a septic joint, or bacterial infection, are easily mistaken but can also occur simultaneously, requiring further testing, even if the patient has a history of gout. A tophaceous deposit can be examined with the same polarized light under a microscope to determine if the patient is suffering from chronic tophaceous gout.
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    Metatarsal Gout Treatment

    The rapid treatment provides rapid results. The treatment used to prevent gout administered during an acute gout attack will only make matters worse. It is critical to wait until after an acute gout attack has been treated before consuming any preventative medication. It is imperative to seek medical assistance within the first twenty-four hours of a gout attack. Waiting any longer to receive help from a medical professional will only slow the healing process. Your doctor or physician may choose to prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, COX-2 inhibitors, anti-inflammatory corticosteroids, Colchicine, and to treat an acute gout attack. It is important to rest the toe or foot inflicted by the gout attack; however upper body exercise is recommended. You may require a dietary change, such as consuming less red meat, shellfish, and alcohol, specifically beer.